Consume And Die

Are you bored and quite literally dying to shop again?

The UK Prime Minister, that most trusted of public servants, wants you to shore up the ailing economy by encouraging you to risk your life visiting the high street for cheap paper thin clothes at Primark, that you wouldn't be seen dead wearing in a month. Well, you might be, just give it a few weeks. That new cough is never going away.


The Pandemic is far from over. Don't believe me?

The UK already has the highest death rate in Europe with over 40,000 dead and no means of identifying how prevalent Covid-19 infections actually are in our society - without an adequate track and trace system. So when you're next advised to safely reduce your physical distancing to 1 metre, or perhaps even 1.4 metres, against all scientific evidence to the contrary, remember this : A scientific study has already found that reducing physical distance to 1 metre DOUBLES your chances of infection. In other words, for every metre apart, transmission is halved.

Reducing Physical Distancing Doubles Your Chances Of Infection :

Man, this government is killing it. And everyone you know.


George A. Romero's Lost Debut Film - The Amusement Park


Until There Was Nothing by Paul Trillo and Alan Watts [2020]