UK General Election 2024 - July 4th - Drowning In Effluence

Image courtesy of Christopher Spencer 2024

So Rishi Sunak has finally called a General Election before the Conservatives completely bleed out and devour each other like the evil self serving parasites they are. The PM is hoping to blindside the opposition by being first out of the election gate, launch a personal smear campaign against Keir Starmer, announce another wave of attacks on the poor, disabled and mentally ill, then dangle hundreds of tax cutting policies and lies. Anything to cling to power and please his party before his own colleagues show him the door or the electric chair, whichever comes first.

Let’s pray the long suffering public have finally woken up to 15 years of broken promises, broken public services, broken government, and vote for anyone else. History is our teacher and we must all remember and remember well : Government Covid parties, Brexit, environmental disaster and water pollution, the cost of living crisis, attacks on the poor, mentally ill and disabled, PPE scandals, post office scandals, NHS defunding and cannibalisation, GCSE exam scandals, Levelling Up, the list goes on and on.

People struggling to feed their familes with food banks in a cost of living crisis will have little empathy for a Billionaire PM whose wife famously evaded taxes and has shown his true environment colours by granting new oil and gas offshore drilling permits and coal mines, despite promising his own children a better environment when he first came to office. And Boris Johnson will no doubt already be plotting to rejoin the Tory party amid the extreme right wing madness of Liz Truss’s cabal of followers, by becoming its leader once again, and lead the faithful into oblivion.

A Labour party poised to fix public services and eat the rich is our last best hope before Not So Great Britain flushes itself down the toilet of Tory corruption and ineptitude to join the effluence allowed to be pumped into our rivers and seas by water companies and regulators. It will not be an easy ride for whoever inherits the Tories mess but as PM Clement Attlee proved after WW2, when he created the National Health Service and nationalised major industries and public utilities, lives can be rebuilt, and a new future won.

The horror show must stop. The government is not fit to govern.

The Tory party must die.

Vote them out.


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